Wednesday, June 13, 2012

“The word impossible is not in my dictionary.”

No Worries Now Prom, 2012

 No Worries Now is a nonprofit dedicated to improving the wellbeing of teens who have life-threatening illnesses. Founded by 22 year old, Fred Scarf, his mission is to give teenagers that essential teenage rite of passage: a prom! This year, the prom was held at Sony Studios! :) 
Check out the video I made...reporting from the red carpet! 


Annie Ackerman, Chapman News Reporter

Annie pictured with Fred Scarf, Founder of NWN
For more information, visit 

Dream Big.

Reporting Reel, Freshman Year,
Chapman University, Dodge College of Film & Media Arts

My career goal is to become a network news reporter/political news commentator. Please check out my reporting reel and let me know what you think :)

"A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself."

Memorial Day 2012

 Reporting from Redondo beach, families shared their stories and thoughts on what the day meant to them :)